first date questions for men @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men
Many of the people that I have spoken to have claimed that pornographic videos can save dying relationships, and they seem convinced of the same. Many couples will attest to the power of the adult video to save a marriage. Many couples that I have talked to discussed how they had considered getting a divorce because the spark had gone out of their marriages.
It was not the lack of affection or desire; it was more about not being able to try something new; or it was the lack of knowledge on the part of both parties. Invariably, the couples said that they had been getting bored, and there was a growing yet unspoken need for adventures.
If they had been bored of exploring familiar territory, adult videos revealed to them a range of other possibilities. They were introduced to sex toys, sexual novelty items, different positions to increase pleasure and even locations that would heighten the excitement of love making.
In the past, watching porn movies was quite a taboo. The men who indulged in these guilty pleasures made sure that nobody knew about their secret sexual activities. Women, for the most part, kept their distance from the so-called sleazy world of pornography. What people did not realize was that porn had the ability to provide a great deal of education to those who were yet to learn the fine art of intimacy.
It is not common to take the help of adult videos to learn and perfect the fine art of intimacy. They make one want to lose one's inhibitions so that the act of lovemaking becomes even more meaningful and exciting. Many decide to indulge in role-playing or go out and buy some sex toys to spice things up.
Now a lot of people think that pornography is just for men who want to get through dry seasons. But that really is not the case. I know of a man who pored through dozens of videos, looking for new ways to give pleasure to his girlfriend. I just have to say that they have never been happier and have already set a date for their wedding.
His need to make his partner reach new heights of pleasure was the reason why he loved watching adult videos. It was not just about learning new techniques. As in the case of this man, it is also a way of pleasing one's partner. It is about trying out new possibilities and seeing what works.
The direct effect of adult videos is that they make intercourse a lot more thrilling, but indirectly, they also make one become a lot less self-conscious. Several couples report that after they began to watch adult videos together, they were able to talk more openly about their relationships in general. The movie watching was just a way to break off various psychological barriers.
And once these barriers were broken off, many became more vocal about having children, pursing careers and even dealing with financial difficulties. Sleaziness is almost always associated with pornographic videos. Yet many will say that these videos can be the saviors of relationships floundering in the sea of boredom.
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