Saturday, May 25, 2013

the tao of badass review

The Tao Of Badass Review

A lot of guys can use some help when it comes to their “game”, which is a term used colloquially for their ability to approach women and successfully pique their interest. The Tao of Badass system was designed specifically to help guys develop the skills necessary to get in with the ladies. Joshua Pellicer, the author of the book, understands that very few men were gifted with the natural ability to walk up to a beautiful woman and confidently start a conversation with her.
Many guys get nervous at the mere thought of approaching a woman “cold” like this, and hence do not wind up coming home from the bar with any phone numbers (or women). In the Tao of Badass you will learn what the few guys who do have game have that you do not. You will learn exactly what it takes to walk up to a woman, make her laugh, and instantly get her to enjoy your company.
The great thing is that these are all skills that can be learned the smooth talkers among us have just developed them naturally. Most of this comes down to pretty basic psychology, so you will not have to become a completely different person to pull it off, you will just have to change a few things about your approach and delivery. Yes, it really is that simple, and Pellicer will walk you through every step of the process.

where can i buy the tao of badass ebook

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