questions to ask on a first date gay @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men
The greatest perception of chemistry between two people usually lies in the methods by which they communicate with each other. If two people are having a conversation in a dry and almost uninterested manner, it is unlikely that there is any sexual chemistry between them. On the other hand, if two people are having an animated and engaging conversation, the sexual chemistry between the two is likely to be very noticeable, not only to others around them, but to the people participating in the conversation.
One way that many women unwittingly kill attraction with a man is by trying to prove to him how "smart" we are. Most women do not want to be perceived as a "dumb blonde", so they try to interject intellectual challenges into a conversation with a man to let him know without a doubt that you are not a witless set of boobs - you have a brain. The intention is great - and I applaud it. However - the effect is not - it kills attraction because displays of intelligence are not emotionally engaging, and emotional engagement is what needs to happen for attraction to develop.
There are many ways to communicate to a man that you are intelligent without giving him a lesson in quantum physics or correcting his grammar. For instance, wit and even sarcasm demonstrate intelligence AND introduce fun, humor and a challenge to a man which all ALSO promote attraction.
This, my friends, is flirting at its finest. Flirtation is NOT just about batting your eyelashes at a man and making him want you physically. Men do that all by themselves without much prompting from us. Flirtation is about promoting and MAINTAINING attraction with a man. Good flirtation consists of teasing, sarcasm, being a little too serious for the situation, but joking underneath, breaking the socially-acceptable� limits on physical space, like reaching out and touching an arm or a shoulder gently or interpreting communication through a sexual subtext or making sexual/sensual innuendo - to name a few.
Busting his balls (figuratively of course), being slightly too intense towards him, etc., all not only generate attention because they're unexpected, but focus that attention specifically on the chemistry between the two of you. Being unpredictable leads to an atmosphere where both people are eager to know what's coming next, he may laugh, he may not be able to think of how to respond, and he may even get a little rattled, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. These are all good things that work in your favor, because they all share one common positive aspect “ his emotions and attention are focused on YOU!
What all these things have in common is that they are unpredictable to a man, and that really dials up attraction for him. This gets his attention, and more importantly - KEEPS it because he does not know what is going to happen next. This, in turn, leads to that beautiful thing called sexual chemistry - which is two people engaged and flirting, attention focused on one another, eager and open body language and having solid eye contact.
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questions to ask on a first date gay
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