50 first dates the movie the summary @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men
Too many guys get caught up in the whole notion that there is only one girl in the world for them. They think that there is one, single, solitary soul mate out there for them. That there is only one woman in the entire world they can love. That this is the only woman who will truly make them happy for the rest of their life.
Well, I've got news for them: I do believe there is such a thing as a soul mate. However, I believe there are many of them in this world for us to run across. If you've been lucky enough to find a soul mate or two, that is great, but if you thought a girl was your soul mate and you've broken up, don't despair.
Look at all the single people in the world who think they will never find someone they want to marry. And guess what? If you stick around and remain friends with them, 99.9 percent of them do find a soul mate. Because that is essentially what a soul mate is, the person we connect with so deeply that we want to spend the rest of our lives with them. That doesn't mean the marriage always works. It's just that they are one of our soul mates that we feel that connection with.
If your relationship “ or marriage “ with someone you believe is a soul mate, ends, that does not mean that was your once in a lifetime shot at happiness. Ask around. For many people it takes their second shot at love to find "the one." But of course, hindsight is 20-20. They thought their first love was the one until they met someone else.
That is one reason I always recommend guys new to the dating arena date more than one woman at a time. How are you going to know if there is someone else out there who will make you happier, if you settle for the first girl who accepts your offer of a date?
In addition, if you feel that special spark with someone, still continue to date around at first so there isn't a lot of pressure on her as "the one." If you both decide after a period of time to be exclusive, then you will be 100 percent sure of your decision because you did not rush into it and did not feel pressured into it.
That should actually be reassuring for the girl of your dreams if she knows that you had plenty of other women interested din you, but ultimately decided she was the one you wanted to spend time with.
Don't ever place a woman so high on a pedestal that you feel like you would change your entire personality and self to keep her. That is when you should back off. That is a big red flag. Thinking that she is the only one that can possibly make you happy is not healthy and not the basis of a true, lifelong, soul mate joining relationship.
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50 first dates the movie the summary
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