the tao of badass read online @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men
Everyone around us wants to marry a beautiful looking partner. Every single man or woman wants that his or her partner very good looking. But nowadays, things have changed and so is the attitude of single men towards marriage. Usually single men do want to marry a single woman who is very good looking. But for past few years, this good-looking quality has created many problems after marriage. This is the reason that now single men choose a single woman who not very beautiful but an average looking. But they're no single reason that can define this problem. The list has many of them. Let us have a look at some of them.
Firstly, we talk about the teenage of the girls. The teenage comes with many wonderful experiences. This is the time, when a girl realizes what it has and how to attract the boys towards her. And if the girl is very good looking and has a sex appeal in her, then she is more tending towards having her sex experiences at a very early age. But having it in teenage, sometimes makes it an addiction and once she is addicted to it, she keeps on continuing such things and can be dangerous. So, it's better to choose an average girl who has comparatively short list of previous affairs. Teenage is such that everyone has his or her first affair. But these things do matter during marriage. After marriage, you are not just physically tied up with each other, but also emotionally. One should be emotionally and physically faithful to their partner. For this, if anyone one has a past life, it should be forgotten. This means that you should be able to rectify the mistakes in the past life. This is not easy when you are having too many affairs.
Another thing is beauty always attracts crowd. If your wife is very beautiful, she will always attract crowd towards her and not all of them in the crowd praise her with good intensions. Also, getting married with a very good-looking wife can create a problem of inferiority complex in the husband. People always keep on praising her in front of the husband and some even say that she deserves better than you. This comment is not very easy to digest for any husband. And once he keeps on hearing it again and again, hampers the trust and relation shared between the couple finally leading their happy married life towards divorce.
Imagine you guy friends praising your wife for her beauty at every meet; and if she is free to every one she is talking with, there is a big problem. No matter how much open minded a husband is, you always hesitate to show your 100% trust n your life partner. And after marriage, husbands become extra cautious about their friends keeping contacts with their wives. And if the above-mentioned incident is happening, then this leads to breaking up the relation between the wives and also between him and his friends. These and more reasons are there that restrict the single men from marrying to beautiful women and that's the reason why every single man seek an average looking single woman.
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