Saturday, May 18, 2013

first date questions to ask a girl

first date questions to ask a girl @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men

You probably already know what it's like to approach a woman and feel as though you had almost no charm and charisma with her. I don't think that there is a guy alive that has not had that kind of an experience before. But, what if there was a way that you could approach a woman and know that you can have powerful charisma and charm, right away, and make her feel that you are a guy worth getting to know a little better?

;Sounds pretty good, am I right?

;Of course it does! What guy wouldn't want to be able to have the kind of ability? However, most guys do not get to have that kind of an experience, and that is something that you want to avoid at all costs. You need to be able to powerful charisma and charm on a woman if you really want to make her think about you.

;Here are a few dating tips for guy on how to have that kind of charm and charisma:

;1. Use her name when talking to her, just don't use it too often.

;When a woman hears a guy say her name, it has a pretty engaging effect on her, as long as it is not overdone. Actually, this is not exclusive to just women, it works that way on all people. Just using a woman's name gives you a little sense of rapport and a pre existing bond with her, and that will only help you to make her want you.

;2. Use all of your body language when you are around a woman.

;Body language is one of the most ignored aspects of charming a woman, but it can be really powerful. When your body language is congruent with the image that you are trying to project to a woman, it gives you the ability to really make her see you the way that you want to be seen. Not many guys ever really get to master this skill, so you want to be one of the ones that DOES master using body language to attract a woman.

;3. Use physical touch to heighten the moment.

;You can only have so much of an effect on a woman if all you do is talk to her and smile at her. Engaging her with physical touch can take things to the next level and heighten the moment. The one thing that you really need to be aware of, is that there is a right way to use physical touch on a woman and a wrong way. If it makes her feel uncomfortable in any way at all, you are doing it the wrong way. If it makes her want to reciprocate, then you are on the right track.

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first date questions to ask a girl

first date questions to ask a girl @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men

The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men :: Are you looking for dating advice or dating tips ?

first date questions to ask a girl

"You will become a lovable badass in short time, and it will certainly change your dating life in a positive way."

If you really don't want to miss this opportunity, you can start read the quality of the information...
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