Saturday, May 18, 2013

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tao of badass free ebook @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men

Jill and her son moved 45 minutes away from the large city and found a place 50% cheaper. She told her son he would need a student loan for a less expensive college. She continued her small business and raised her fees 30%. She decided to cash in her small 401K which had only around $ 85,000. Even after paying a penalty and taxes, she had a little buffer which would enable her to last another 1-2 years until she could build up more opportunities.

One year later

Jill has a new degree, a new publication for parents, and a bigger customer base. She works 9 months a year for two school districts. Her overall pay is around 80,000 more than she made at the bank. Things are tight but she and her son are happy. A few months ago, Jill met a man, a teacher, who appreciates her work. She feels a serious connection and a new hope for the future.

What can we learn from Jill's story?

When you envision what you want and build a plan with small steps, an authentic life is possible and the bills can be paid. It's not easy. It takes sacrifice but it's worth it.

What about you?

Is there a part of your life which needs to work better right now? Is it empty work? A lackluster marriage? Start with a vision of what an authentic life would look like for you. Start with a new purpose about your life. Start with a definition of what is most important to you.

It is possible for you

After 40, it is possible to live a life which feels authentic and pays your bills at the same time. Be self-confident and take a few risks. Build a strong team around you. Take small steps. You can do this. You deserve this now!

I'll be cheering you as you go!

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tao of badass free ebook @ The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men

The Tao Of Badass - Dating Advice For Men :: Are you looking for dating advice or dating tips ?

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"You will become a lovable badass in short time, and it will certainly change your dating life in a positive way."

If you really don't want to miss this opportunity, you can start read the quality of the information...
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